Christine's Ceramic Exhibit



Christine with Demetra Bakirtzi, Byzantinologist

Christine with her students from Perrotis college

Christine with Effie Kotopoulou

2010 Diary week 10


Christine’s Byzantine Ceramics

About a month ago Christine received a phone call from a friend that there had been a cancellation at the Exhibition Hall of the Historical Center of Thessaloniki and could she put on a show to take its place. She said ‘yes’ and dedicated herself to producing 40 quality pieces in three weeks. The theme of the show was Byzantine Ceramics and how to use old motifs from several hundred years ago on large platters and bowls. By introducing new colors and patterns the work took on a brightness that is not evident in old byzantine ware. The opening took place on Friday March 5. People loved the work and 15 pieces were sold that evening.

Book Review

Our Next Frontier: A Personal Guide to Tomorrow’s Lifestyle points out: “On average, during our lifetimes we have enjoyed some of the best weather for farming, gardening, and all kinds of food production that is likely to occur in any but a totally utopian world.” “Gardens are much more secure and reliable sources of food in times of climate extremes than farms.” “We lose 4.8 billion tons of soil from our agricultural base each year due to erosion, with as many as 20 bushels of topsoil disappearing for every bushel of wheat harvested in the state of Washington.” “Irrigation water is being pumped faster than it’s being replaced by rainfall.”

The garden

Fruit tree planting has continued this week.

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